The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Day 25 - Rome is Officially Nuts

Rome is like Paris in that it hits you and is just so overwhelming. Dumped my stuff at the Hostel and went to get lost. I headed in the direction of the Vatican but ended up completely in the other direction at the Colussum. Had a look at the nearby ruins, and think I can across a famous statue of Augustus on horseback (not use to seeing famous things that are not in museums).

Also went into the Santa Maria Maggoire. This was another church that I wanted to have a look at. It is one of the first major churches in Christdom being built in the 5th century. Was great to see kinda the 'source' church after seeing churches from the 12th and 13th century (notre dame, ste Chappelle, etc) and getting a sense of development. That was all just this morning.

Crossing the road was an interesting experience. First up, pedestrain crossings in Europe just mean it is a spot marginally safer than anywhere else. Here you kinda walk off the curb and head in the right direction. Somehow cars don't manage to hit you - like Moses parting the sea or something (I still cross next to someone else so they can get hit by the car first).


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