The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Day 7 - Eiffel Tower & The Louvre

Went back to the Eiffel tower as I wanted to go up it. The weather todayt was fantastic and ideal for photos. The last week or so has been overcast and raining. Temperature wise it has been 0-10 which I have been loving (remember - I'm in shorts and t-shirt in Aussie Winters so this is ideal for me). The very top of the tower
was undergoing repairs and won't be open til next month.

Still, managed to go to the 2nd stage and the view was amazing. I wasn't too nuts about the lift going up or walking down stairs between the various stages as I'm not crazy about heights. Speaking of crazy things, they have an ice skating rink on one of the levels.

Had to cut the visit short as I wanted to head back to the Louvre one last time to quickly run over the 14th-19th century French paintings. Managed to do this and saw some cool pieces (a lot of Claude and Poussin which were pretty amazing - for those in the know).

So just have a few moments to kill as in theory I'm about to catch an overnight train to Madrid. The hostel I've got picked out looks absolutely fantastic, and really close to the main museum I'm heading there for - The Prado.


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