The First Safe Level
In the last 16 days I've taken about 2,500 high resolution photos as I have this cool little toy. Once my camera gets full, I just plug it into my iPod, transfer all the photos across, and start taking more photos. In the back of my mind, I'm always a little worried what would happen if my iPod is stolen, gets broken or for some reason looses data?
I've now managed to make copies onto Rob's computer, kinda like a first safe level. I'm trying not to see Europe through a view finder but at the same time, each photo tells a story that you'd otherwise forget. Quickly having a look through some and they are turning out really well. Here is a couple.
I'll start with me as tourist at the Eiffel Tower
Inside the Ste Chapele (so pleased these photos turned out really well)
And the bascillica I stumbled into a mass
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