The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Day 39 - Problems to Venice

Train strike aside, today was one of those days I just shouldn't have gotten out of bed. I get to the Train Station in Venice to find out that the hostel I'm staying in was back on the main land. I was under the impression that it was on the island of Venice itself. I only had instructions from the train station but trains were on strike so I couldn't get to the correct train station.

I went looking for an internet cafe to get a better idea on how to get there. Do you think I could find an internet cafe? In the end I vaguelly remember some directions about a number 6 bus so I jumped on one that looked to have the suburb name on it.

Now the bus itself had the suburb name on it as the first stop, not the last stop as I'm accustomed to so I go several suburbs too far. Have to get off the bus and head back the other way. So I get off the bus in the correct suburb with no map and no idea. I wonder around for a bit and find a local community map with has a street that I have for directions. Apparently there is a church right in front of me but it wasn't and with a tangle of streets, most un named, I well an truly got lost.

By some miracle I walk around a corner after going around in circles for half an hour and there the hostel is. I get lost even with maps so this was just another instance of blind stupid luck.


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