The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Monday, February 21, 2005

Masters in 'Blind Stupid Luck'

Now I graduated from Murphy's Law University at the top of the class with my Phd (if there are two ways of doing things, without fail, I will find the wrong way first). Today I think I earned my masters at the 'Blind Stupid Luck' Academy.

I'm at Budapest train station looking at Trams and buses and really not one of them means anything to me. I just jump onto one and hope it goes somewhere near the Danube River (I know there are only 9 bridges crossing the Danube and the hostel is near one of them so eventually would come to the right place).

So the tram is going along and I'm looking down every street to see if it leads to the river. After awhile I just thought 'stuff this', I'm passing all this great architecture, yet not enjoying it cause I'm stressed out about finding the hostel. So I sit back, the tram will take me where ever and eventually I'll get it sorted.

2 minutes later the tram passes a park and out of the corner of my eye I catch the name of it. It is a park 50m away from the hostel so I jump off and quickly find the hostel. The greatest amount of Blind Stupid Luck that I've had yet. Put things into perspective, Budapest has 1.8 million people so is a massive city. The fact I jump onto a random tram that just happens to go past where I need and I notice it, how else can it be explained (religion excluded)?


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