The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Castel Sant 'Angelo

After a quick pop up the hill for some panoramic views of Rome, onward down the Tiber river. Last year there was a 17th century Plein Air (aka outdoor painting) exhibition in Sydney of places around Rome. One painting grabbed my attention cause it had this circular building on a river with St Peters in the background.

Putting my design hat on, this building had a wonderful design. I had no idea what it was but made a little study of the painting. I'd planned my walk so I would hopefully come across this building in Rome from the same vantage point as the original artist.

I managed to do that, but in the 400 years since the painting, some clown has grown a tree there ... argh ... so I couldn't get the view. I did end up wandering all the way around and basically it is a castle with fortifications. It is seriously one of the funky-est buildings I've come across.

Add to that where there use to be a 'moat', it is now a park for walking dogs (Scott - the kids would had gone nuts in this space). Hopefully I'll get some photos up of this building soon.


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