The Flip Side

That undefined time, place and space where friends shall meet once more...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Day 60 - Backstreets and the North of Prague

Having wandered through the main tourist areas of Prague, decided to head into some backsteets and to the northern side. Can´t upload any photos at the moment which would help describe some of the places. In one backstreet I can across a museum of architecture and bookshop which I wandered into. Strangely felt like home and most books had some appeal. Being imported they were expensive and generally haven´t pick up too many things along the way as it is just more to carry.

While in the north of Prague, came across what can only be described as a 10m metronome monument sitting on the hill. Looked like an oil pump with a giant point on the end of it. I´m sure if I had a guide telling me its significance it would make sense, otherwise it was really bad (kinda like a monument gone wrong and I suppose every once in a while this will happen).

Walked from here onto another island (via a bridge - no I´m not walking on water) which was setup as some sort of weir control. Engineering nerd boy appreciated it and made for some great design/drawing reference photos. Otherwise back to the hostel for a bit of an early night.


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